What if, if I take your place?
Project by Lina Issa, Artist in residence at Iaspis, Stockholm, 2010.
Download .pdf with the entire project here.

"The third story is the most visceral, a three-day and three-night swap between a young woman who expresses a desire to step out of her life. What she wants is to simply take some time off, from her mobile, her Facebook, her blog and her boyfriend. She has left detailed and necessarily incomplete instructions on how to fit into her life including the right embrace and position to hold whilst sharing the bed. The story is told with frankness and enthusiasm but there is also the hint that perhaps they have both hold something they are able to retell. The narrative is fragile, as if in its own telling something might vanish, be lost or be manhandled."
William Easton, Tensta Konsthall
